
Best Designs - ChicaneLinacA

In part 3, we move away from just the solenoid channel, and on to a more expansive simulation. ChicaneLinacA takes the design of SolenoidsOnly, and expands on it, adding a magnetic chicane, and a linac.

The best design was 0.988441% by Sobi of Team Seti Germany

The first lattice of 2004 also required a new version. 4.3x clients were no more, and 4.4 was now required. This was, in part, due to the requirements of the new lattices, which added complexity and needed more realistic modeling.

This lattice also has features based on SolenoidsOnly, but includes the chicane featured in the 4.2x series of simulations. The reason for the chicane is simple, particles that are too fast, or too slow are unable to make it through the bends and are thus eliminated. At the end of the chicane, it was fed into a linear accelerator ('LINAC') which again attempted to unify particle energy levels, by speeding up or slowing down the extremes.

As a result of this added complexity, the number of parameters has vastly increased (from 117 to 408 here), and so the search space is well up, from the 10351 of SolenoidsOnly, to 101224. Unfortunately, after about a week, a flaw in this lattice was discovered and a corrected lattice, ChicaneLinacB was released instead.

This is the 'best' design as recreated in v4.45. Some modification to the lattice was needed to add a backend, as earlier clients had this hard-coded. It is also sped up. The original simulation length as recorded was 19 miniutes 41seconds.

Next time, PhaseRotA

Date of release
May 11, 2004
Total possible number of permutations
101224 (1 with 1224 zeros after it)
Number of Simulations Run
26,000 (approximately)
Total MPTS
1,850,000 (approximately)

0.988441 (483.9 Mpts) [v4.4] <ChicaneLinacA> by [SG]Sobi

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