
Muon1 Results Broken Down

As the Muon1 Stats server has had a breakdown, and hasn't been updated for two weeks, it's been a good chance to look at the stats themselves, and break them down by lattice.

With no stats box to constantly update it every hour, it's given me a stable dataset to work with for once. It does make a nice change to be able to see the stats and not have them change within an hour. So, while this break is ongoing, I thought about a breakdown of past lattices and their contributions.

It's going to just be a brief rundown at present, but I'll go into more detail soon So, here's the first graph.
Muon1 lattices by percentage of simulations run
Sorted by age, clockwise from top.
Click to enlarge
This shows that, despite computers speeding up, most simulations are from older lattices. in fact, over 75% of results returned cover the first 14 lattices, which were run between March 2003, and  early 2008.

However, if we look at it in terms of actual work (aka MPTS) then we get a different picture.
Sorted by age, clockwise from top.
Click to enlarge
Here we can see that the spread of work is much more even, and the halfway point comes with LinacRemovable6c2, which launched less than 4 years ago. So while the majority of work over the last ten years has been in the last 4.

So the obvious conclusion is that newer lattices require more work. And that's exactly the case, as we see here.
Sorted by age, oldest at top.
Click to enlarge
The average work per simulation is going up. The one obvious standout is LinacExt10d2_axis, which was not a typical lattice, as it, and the related LinacExt10d2_zoom were special lattices, designed to test for noise, and used to develop the v4.45 client (which is why no 'best result' video was produced)

Further analysis of this data, which will be reproduced below, will come in later days.

May 2012 Data ("Set A")

Avg result 
size (MPTS)
SolenoidsOnly 3752890 520428308.8 138.6740109
SolenoidsTo15cm 5486018 863185820.1 157.3428706
ChicaneLinacA 27000* 1850000* 68.51851852
PhaseRotA 32500* 2386232.6 255.0071026
ChicaneLinacB 4629706 1180607913 255.0071026
PhaseRotB 4454613 2730599623 612.9824572
ChicaneLinacB90 1745001 599946944.8 343.8089404
PhaseRotC 3047253 738536011.7 242.3612387
PhaseRotC_bigS1 2300000* 2896984366 1259.55842
DecayRot 1478223 96027907.5 64.96171924
DecayRotA 1105787 72932610.1 65.95538752
DecayRotB 14873910 1538013504 103.4034429
PhaseRotD 12200000 1103660270 90.46395654
PhaseRotDD 2609221 742131198.4 284.4263473
PhaseRotEby5 353689 89830502.2 253.9816115
PhaseRotEb6 291128 38402269.7 131.9085409
PhaseRotEb1 588911 210253848.5 357.0214319
PhaseRotEb1a 545696 172411207.2 315.9473538
PhaseRotEb6a 545696 172411207.2 315.9473538
PhaseRotEby5a 544138 101655070 186.818546
PhaseRotLinac1 120149 124155471.9 1033.345861
PhaseRotLinac6 120276 109436963.2 909.8819648
PhaseRotEb60 17340 6627171 382.1897924
Linac88MHz900MeV1 501388 617661628.9 1231.903494
Linac88MHz900MeV6 668164 676380354.9 1012.296913
Linac900NoGaps1 24650 30720081.9 1246.250787
Linac900Removable1 335070 580306438.9 1731.896138
Linac900Removable6 649910 1329484142 2045.643461
Linac900Removable6c2 866336 1274646388 1471.307192
Linac900Removable12 650519 603354538.3 927.4971804
Linac900Removable3 736632 858420553.6 1165.331609
Linac900Ext6d2 634182 384986497.6 607.0599569
Linac900Ext9d2 395175 334801876.7 847.2243353
Linac900Ext8d2 348941 500616763.6 1434.674525
Linac900Ext7d2 446318 453265506.7 1015.56627
Linac900Ext10d2 1811062 2848243912 1572.692659
Linac900Removable8c2 720024 887933137.5 1233.199362
Linac900Ext10d2_axial3 1970 16023417.5 8133.714467
Linac900Ext6tc2 422163 687326256.4 1628.106339
Linac900Ext10d2_zoom 2113 5362014.1 2537.630904
Linac900Ext7tc2 396963 935384812.8 2356.352639
Linac900Ext6Xc2 629219 715124735.9 1136.527562
Linac900Ext10td2 767863 1227575198 1598.690388
Linac900Ext6X 739264 1482342531 2005.159904
Linac900Ext10tc2 1533771 2791975520 1820.334014
Linac900Ext9X 613294 664749049.7 1083.899483
Linac900Ext9Xc2 604043 522387776 864.8188556
Linac900Ext7Xc2 541590 1197357451 2210.81898
Linac900Ext6Xc2_nosample 310054 104094381 335.7298438
TOTAL 76219823 35842999384 470.2582343

* = Data damaged and reconstructed from historical plots

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